The BLR-Series offers a wide range of blast resistant door and frame products in swinging or sliding construction. Included
are pre-engineered, third party certified blast-resistant doors in the range of 0.5 to 25 PSI (3.45 to 172.4 KN/m2). Lower range offerings include standard 1 3/4" thick door models with the possibility to use standard or slightly modified door hardware.
Most doors resemble standard hollow metal door assemblies when installed.
Product Range:
- LBLR / Low Blast Range: 0.5 PSI up to 3.0 PSI
- MBLR / Medium Blast Range: 3.0 PSI up to 10.0 PSI
- HBLR / High Blast Range: 10.0 PSI up to 25.0 PSI
- EHBLR / Extra High Blast Range: Above 25.0 PSI
In addition to pre-engineered door models, custom designed doors are available for ANY application. Extensive work has been
done in this regard for government projects, chemical and pharmaceutical plants, as well as oil, gas and petrochemical projects.
Spaces between stiffeners are insulated with fiberglass to the full height of the door.
Standard infill nominal density 24 Kg/m3.
Thermal Conductance (50 mm): U = 0.123 Btu/hr.ft.ºF. (ASTM C177).
Thermal Resistance: R - Factor = 8.11 hr.ft2.ºF/Btu. (ASTM C518-63T).
Combustibility: None / IMO Resolution-ASTM E 136-82, BS 476 part 4, ISO R1182.
Rock wool core infill.
Alkyd or polyurethane RAL color paint finish (factory applied).
Supplied with custom made hinges, drop bolt, and exit device.
Available in stainless steel leaf and frame finish.
Sliding assemblies are available manual or power operated.
Can be manufactured for multiple performance requirements including acoustical, bullet resistance, thermal protection, radio frequency shielding or any combination thereof.
BLR-Series doors are offered with standard frame designs, special frame profiles can be engineered to complement wall construction and architectural style.